This book is a must-read for all computer forensics investigators. It talks about all kinds of computer evidence and exactly where it can be found. There is even a section on e-mail tracing.
For computer professionals who have already read the first book above, this books gives more detailed information about how to locate and use evidence.
Don't be fooled by the name of the book. This is not a book for miscreants at all. This book will teach you how to fully harness the power of the Google search engine. Find out exactly what you want to know. Is someone publishing your social security number or other personal information about you online? While even computer scientists will likely learn from this book, you don't have to be a computer scientist to understand it. This book is also useful for investigators wanting to profile a suspect's online activities.
The Internet provides a new playground for social deviants who use technology to harass other people - a must-read for all Net users who have been victims or who wish to avoid becoming a victim!
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