American School Directory
If you know where someone went to school, you can get basic directory information about that person from the school. The address of a family member is often useful in locating a person.
National Student Clearinghouse: Degree and Enrollment Verifiers
If you are conducting a legal background check and have a signed consent form for the person whose degree/educational background that you want verified, you can do that here for a very nominal fee.
Oregon Office of Degree Authorization Diploma Mill List
The Oregon Office of Degree Authorization offers a list of non-accredited institutions. It also talks about diploma mills and how to spot them. This list is essential for anyone doing educational background checks.
US News College Directory/Rankings
You can do a basic college search for free, and there is also a paid subscription service if you want unlimited access to lots of other information.
International Archive Of Education Data
Sponsored by the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), the archive acquires, processes, documents, and disseminates data collected by national, state or provincial, local, and private organizations, pertaining to all levels of education in countries for which data can be made available.
Note: Various school have various "directory information" policies. Student consent is not required for the disclosure of what is classified as such, and this information is available to anyone upon request. What information is considered "directory information" varies between schools, but some things that might be available include the student's name, sex, date, place of birth, local address, permanent address, telephone listing, class status, major, participation in sports or university activities, height and weight of athletic team members, dates of attendance, degrees recieved, honors and awards, most recently attended educational institution, institutions attended prior to current, summer address and phone number, and school residence assignment and p.o. box information.
There are many things you can do with the above information. Having an exact date and place of birth will enable you to get ahold of other valuable information, which in some states may include driving record information. Of course, you can easily verify with the county tax assessor whether the property at any addresses you recieve is still owned by the student's family.
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