Why You Should Obtain Your FBI File
In case you were wondering whether it would be worth the time and effort to retrieve a copy of your FBI file, Spies Online invites you to read this article.
Sample Letter To Request Your FBI File
This FOIA (Freedom Of Information Act) kit tells all about how to request records from the government and even gives a very detailed sample letter which you can use to request your file from the FBI. It is amazing how many people are bamboozled into buying this kit online, either in the form of an FBI file request letter kit or as part of an elaborate "detective kit" sold under various names. (Note: You can request someone else's FBI file if you can prove that the person is dead - or if you can demonstrate that it's a matter of public interest.)
How To Get A CIA File
The CIA provides lots of information about getting a CIA file through a FOIA request, including a sample letter, fees and waivers, exemptions, how to file an appeal, and helpful hints. Please don't be hoodwinked into paying money for some kind of online kit when all the information you need is available free right here.
How To Get Your CIA File
The CIA provides lots of information about getting your CIA file through a Privacy Act request, including a sample letter, fees and waivers, exemptions, how to file an appeal, and helpful hints. Again, please don't be hoodwinked into paying money for some kind of online kit when all the information you need is available free right here.
Frequently Requested FBI files
Read the FBI files of famous people like Marilyn Monroe or John F. Kennedy, Jr. - plus lots of other FBI files on various topics.