ABA Disciplinary Action Check
Check to see if your lawyer is in good standing with the Bar Association. Since there could be a time lapse before something gets reported to the ABA, it is always a good idea to check with lawyer disciplinary agency in the state where the lawyer maintains a business address to confirm that the individual is in good standing as a member of the bar.
State Bar Associations
Be sure to check out an attorney with his local bar association before hiring him.
LexisOne's Bar Resource Center
Here there are links to state, local, national and international bar associations, as well as other helpful legal resources.
WorldLawDirect.com's Ask A Lawyer
Here you may ask a question by e-mail and get a reply within 24 hours. Questions are free, except for family law (divorce, custody, etc.) questions which are just 10 dollars, as of the time of this writing. If your problem cannot be solved automatically or requires further help, you will be sent a fixed price quote. The site also has a wealth of legal resources and information, including advice on everything from how to open a Swiss bank account to whether or not it is ok to clip your neighbor's tree if it hangs over into your yard.
Know of a site related to legal resources that belongs on this list? Contact Spies Online.