Obtain A Copy Of A U.S. Marriage License
Sometimes a reason will be required in order to get a copy of the certificate. Genealogical research, for example, might be one valid reason for requesting a copy of a certificate. If you don't want an actual copy of the document, you can write to the appropriate agency to do a search to confirm that a marriage took place.
County Courthouse Locator
Get the address and phone number of a courthouse for a specific county - this is helpful if you wish to order a copy of the record from the specific county where the event took place.
Note: There are all sorts of reasons why you may wish to retrieve someone's marriage record. Most states consider this to be public information and will release it to anyone. Information in the record will include the names and addresses of the bride and groom, dates and places of birth, bride's maiden name, information about previous marriages and how they ended, person performing the ceremony, names of witnesses, and signatures of the bride and groom. If you cannot find a marriage certificate at the county level, you can contact the state and ask for a search. Usually, you will have to specify which years you would like searched.
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