Here there are links to thousands of newspapers, including college and international newspapers.
Here you can create your very own newspaper to read online using your favorite sources.
News Central
Here is a collection of over 3,500 news links.
Here there are links to newspapers all over the world.
Here you can search through news headlines around the world for specific keywords.
U.S. News Archives on the Web
Here there are links to United States news archives available on the Internet.
International News Archives on the Web
Here there are links to non-U.S. news archives available on the Internet.
News Center
Gary Price, MLIS, has a wonderful site for up-to-the-minute news resources.
Find Articles
Search for news articles by keywords and phrases here.
Arts Journal
Here's where to find news related to the arts and culture.
COTSE Privacy News
This site probably offers the best coverage of privacy news on the Net.
This will definitely become a favorite site for computer security news and information.
Spies Online's Virus Information
There is a huge area for virus news at the bottom of the page.
FindLaw.com's Legal News and Commentary
For legal news, this is definitely the place!
Google's News Search
Find news on any topic. For example, if you want news about private investigators, type in "private investigator" into the search engine.
Alta Vista's News Search
This pulls up some news sources that are different from the ones you'll get from Google - it's powered by Moreover.
Check to see if something is an urban legend (hoax) here.
Here's another site devoted to urban legends.
Run by the CIAC and the U.S. Dept. Of Energy, this is a public service site devoted to hoax information.
Newseum: The Interactive Museum of News
Read current headlines from the front pages of over 200 U.S. and international newspapers, and browse the news archives.