The Lost Pet Chronicles: Adventures of a K-9 Cop Turned Pet Detective
The author of this book, Kat Albrecht, is a former California police officer who worked with brilliant search dogs; however, today she has a new career as a pet detective. Using law enforcement-based techniques and systems of searching for and recovering lost dogs and cats, she has been able to reunite more than 1,800 pet owners with their beloved pets. She has been able to find all kinds of animals such as dogs, cats, snakes, turtles, parrots, and horses. In addition to telling her story, this book has a handy guide that gives lots of advice on how to find lost dogs and cats in various situations.
Lost Pet Alert! Poster (PDF file)
If you have lost your pet, you may download Spies Online's free poster template. Simply fill in the information concerning your pet and your contact information, and provide a picture of your pet. This form provides an easy way to make lots of lost pet posters quickly which you can post around your neighborhood, in shopping centers, at the vet's office, in animal shelters and anywhere else nearby where someone may have seen your pet.
Here's information on how to find your lost pet - and more!